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kelly keenan

Kelly Keenan is a contemporary dance artist, teacher, event organizer, administrative elf and Mother based in Tiohtià:ke/Mooniyang/Montreal. Working in the field since 2001, Kelly continues to perform for independent choreographers and to co-create work that forwards the felt (or somatic) experience over what may be observed. Her career has been notably invested into exploring different approaches to dance training. Kelly's own teaching has been uniquely shaped by somatic approaches to movement, contemporary anatomy and feminist frameworks for situating these practices and what they do when we dance with them. In 2013, Kelly began the Montreal Movement Educator’s Forum, an event that gathers and celebrates diversity of practices. Having recently assumed a position as Professeure en pratiques artistiques at UQAM’s Département de danse Kelly now puts lots of heart into teaching and supporting dance artists and teachers in training. 







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